Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh My, Spring isn't Going as Planned

I just noticed recently that some of my pitcher plants are putting up flower stalks. I finally squeezed in front of the car in the garage to look at the VFTs to see if they're doing anything. They're the color of bean sprouts! That spot on the shelf got the least amount of light.  I moved them onto my grow rack until I can put them outside (we're still getting temps dipping below freezing, and I'm afraid to take them from a 55-60 degree garage and put them out into the 30s). I also moved my purple pitcher plant to my grow rack.

The trouble is, I want to repot all these this spring, but I haven't had a nice day to do it outside yet, and I need to get perlite without fertilizer. The place I found 3 miles up the street that sells it doesn't open for the year until April 16, and the only other place I know of to get it (where I got it before) is almost an hour away, near my sister's house. I guess I could stop in and pat her cat on the head while I'm in the area if I go to that one. I've also ordered it from

I wanted to divide my VFTs, but since they're already growing and not healthy, I may not. I might not have to repot all my plants, but I probably will, because they grew mold, and even though I controlled it with a sulfur-based fungicide, I'd sleep better knowing they have peat that had never been moldy.

I also repotted a friend's VFT I've been taking care of for the winter today. I also spilled a cupped VFT onto the carpet today. Whoops.

Shelf for dormant plants in the garage.
North-facing window, the only source of light for the shelf of dormant plants.
My VFT planter after I turned it 180 degrees. This clump of VFTs here was in the back dark corner, and now looks like bean sprouts.
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok' putting up six flower stalks.
There's a cupped VFT under there somewhere.
A cutting from D. capensis, looking like a curled up millipede.
Pot of cupped VFTs in its new home in a tray, so there'd be room for S. purpurea on the rack.
Recently toppled cupped VFT in its new home in a tray, so there'd be room for S. purpurea on the rack.
Planter of VFTs looking like bean sprouts in their new home until I repot.
VFTs looking like bean sprouts.
VFTs looking like bean sprouts.
S. purpurea just inches away from six T5 bulbs, with potential to burn, until it's moved outside.
Friend's VFT, freshly repotted. D. capensis in the foreground, showing off its flower stalk.


  1. You make me interested in plants.

    No wait. I'm just interested in pictures. Still I'm interested.

    And Poly wants you to visit her.
    You could come during a work day and just hang out with her. She's sad that I ditched her today. She was running to the laundry room to try to stop me from going to work.

  2. You can take all the pictures you want of plants when you own them. You should plant a garden where you don't have a patio.
